Episode 06 – What Time (Pilot) Is It?

Brent and I venture into some new ground with the 6-month anniversary episode and respond to some listener requests by hosting the first of a series of editorial segments on ‘what is retro’ and ‘restored vs. refurbished vs. reproduction’ and discuss the merits of each and where we feel each topic has relevance in collecting and preserving our beloved games.

We also do some more in-depth coverage on what will be our first ‘podcast appearance’ with our booth at the Louisville Arcade Expo. We have lots of discussion around that topic as Brent and I will be hosting several panel discussions, doing some live streaming and recording some live interviews as well. We will also be taking up a collection for the GoFundMe drives for Barry Oursler and Python Anghelo.

We also spend some time talking about current project progress, artwork and parts reproduction parts coming available this month and anything else that we can cram in between segments!

Curious about the show title? We pimp Time Pilot no less than 20 times this month (in a number of points through the episode), so we only felt it proper to give back a little respect.

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