Episode 23 – My Bucket Runneth Empty

*whew*… we just barely made it in under the “short month” deadline for this episode.. weather here in KY has been nothing short of “tough” the past several weeks and getting together to record has been a bit of a challenge due to that. BUT – we found a decent day break in the -10 temperatures and took advantage of it and had a blast putting together this month’s show.

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Episode 22 – I love them, but they don’t love me back

We’re ringing in 2015 with a bit of flair by way of some updates to the podcast, and we trust that everyone is as excited as we are for some of the changes we’re making for the New Year!

With the Holidays now squarely behind us, we take some time to revisit the year for a bit and also cover what we’ve been up to for the past month – which turned into far, far more than either of us had originally thought. I’ve (Whitney) been hammering on the ZooKeeper resto project and cabbaging as many tube swap candidates that I can find. Brent on the other hand has been BUSY.. so much so that I thought we’d have to split his updates out into a separate episode! Speaking of, he goes on the road for our first interview – New Years Eve @ The Place, Retro Arcade and not only talks with owner Cary Chaney and world-record holder Estel Goffinet (and laments why arcade games just don’t seem to like him very much) as well as some of the most important (and often under-appreciated) people in the hobby – Arcade Wives!

In an interview double-header, we sit down with the guys from the Louisville Arcade Expo and cover what to expect from this years’ show as well as catch up on general happenings in the show circuit and discuss the special guests (David Crane and more!) that will be making an appearance in Louisville in March 2015.

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Episode 19 – The Village and the Idiot

We’re back in the studio to recap all things related to Pinball Expo 2014 where we run through all the announcements, give our thoughts on everything we saw and discuss the most notable parts of the show. We then discuss what we’ve been working on in-between travels over the past month and Brent recaps his progress on the Burgertime Project (the winner in the “Put Brent to work” poll) while Whitney finally (*finally*) gets one of the games he’s been after for years (a grail?!?!?) – Zoo Keeper!

We are fortunate this month, as we have two interviews – our first guest is Andrew Heighway of Heighway Pinball and we talk about all things related to Full Throttle and get some info on the upcoming Alien Pinball. Gerry Stellenberg of Multimorphic Pinball sits down with Brent for our second interview and discusses the P3 pinball platform while we get some scoop on Lexi Lightspeed and Cosmic Cart Racing!

We announce the winner of our first listener contest, play some voicemail, respond to some feedback and talk a bit about another upcoming Chicago trip where we go back to Stern for a factory tour!

All this and more and Brent finally gives us the answer to the question we never asked – purple. My answer was 42, so we had to come up with a compromise. 😉 I don’t think Brent ever found his dancing shoes…

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