76: The Zebco 33


December 2018

It’s Christmas and New Years all squashed together and what better way to give ‘ol 2018 the proper boot than to tell a bunch of arcade-related fishing stories (hence the title tie-in…get it?!?!?) and do absolutely no reflection whatsoever on the past year.  Yep – we stick to the script and will get all gushy-eyed in January as we look forward to 2019!

Speaking of the script… in checking out the show notes (which we have to do, because we cannot remember what we talk about) it looks like we cover off on the following:

  • Brent’s shopping of his Star Wars Ep1 and musings on his new Frogger
  • The LM399 IC tester and building a “new” Sega Dreamcast
  • Whitney’s trip to Chicago with the guys from the 10 Pence Arcade Podcast
  • Update on TNA and some stumbles with it
  • Update on home/collection inventory management and some listener suggestions
  • An interview with Larry Kitchen from Flip’N Out
  • A review on optical gun games
  • Spending Brents money on JAMMA testers and Punch Out adapters
  • AND… news, listener feedback and our normal (boatload) of mistakes and future corrections!

Best of the Yuletide spoodlings to you and yours from Brent and Whitney!

Episode 76 - Show Links

Here's a 'one-stop' shop for all the items we mentioned in this month's episode!
TopicCategoryMore InformationNotes
Creality CR-10S 3-D PrinterMaker Stuff!https://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp_778981.html

SD Card Extension Cable - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D9JIUU0

"The Hot Mess" 3D Printing group on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1274722572587433/
Star Wars Ep. 1Pinballhttps://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=4458
Hopping MappyGamehttps://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=8139

LM399 IC LED Tester / OptocouplerToolshttps://www.ebay.com/itm/New-IC-LED-Tester-Optocoupler-LM399-DIP-CHIP-Meter-Model-Number-Detector/263446620985
Arcades & Retro shops visited in ChicaGO!ArcadesLogan's Arcade

Galloping Ghost

The Underground Retrocade

Pixel Blast Arcade

Videogames Then & Now (Retro Shop)
Total Nuclear AnnihilationGameTNA at the IPDBStar post and mylar ring issue - https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/total-nuclear-annihilation-cluball-welcome/page/83#post-4722672

Potential remediation options (listing)
MyStuff2SoftwareHome and personal inventory management software suggested by listener Brendon F - http://www.maddysoft.com/iphone/mystuff/
Pac dog collarSpend Brent's Money!https://www.etsy.com/shop/kindlinghamsters
RiddledTV - Punch Out + Super Punch Out switcherNew Parts!https://forums.arcade-museum.com/showthread.php?t=428861&page=2

□ $100 shipped in CONUS
□ This switcher uses a mainboard/remote setup. The 2 PCBs are connected by a 3ft 40pin ribbon cable, and a 3ft 6pin power cable. Both of those cables are included.
□ The mainboard inserts between your PO and your wire harness. The remote board can be located anywhere up to 3ft away.
□ You may need to remount your PO board in your cabinet to allow space for the mainboard to plug in.
□ You don't need to purchase anything else, as long as you have a working PO system, and the SPO gameboard.
□ This switcher also works with dual-monitor Playchoice, but you'll need 2x 20pin ribbon cables to do so. Those are $10 extra if I provide them at time of switcher purchase.
You can adjust audio for each game and monitor individually. This setup works best when you turn all 4 volume knobs to max on the switcher boards, and set the level of your audio amps that way.
RiddledTV - Jamma Tester w. ButtonsNew Parts!https://riddledtv.com/arcade/jamma_testers.html#TesterButtons

□ $39; shipped free
□ Push-buttons for ALL control panel inputs
□ Test all Switches, Buttons, Joystick inputs
□ Lights up a unique LED for each input; 5V digital voltmeter!
RiddledTV - Jamma Tester w. Craftymech TPG (all on one board)!!New Parts!https://riddledtv.com/arcade/jamma_testers.html#TPG

$69; shipped free!
□ Produces a full suite of Test Patterns to tune your monitor
□ Test your speaker by pressing Player1-Btn2
□ Standard Resolution Only
□ Test all Switches, Buttons, Joystick inputs
□ Lights up a unique LED for each input; Voltage LEDs to indicate presence of voltage for each power buss
OneCircuit Multi-Pole Position BoardNew Parts!It's getting close... Adam shows a picture of it running in an upright cabinet!

Check his official FB page for updates along the way...https://www.facebook.com/OneCircuit/
As always, remember to check our Facebook Page for content in-between the episodes, as Brent and I keep a lively presence on the podcast page and we enjoy great discussion on trending topics in the hobby.

Follow us on Twitter @BrokenToken and if you want to talk to us directly, give us a shout on the podcast voicemail line – 470-2CALLBT (470-222-5528)

If you enjoy what you hear, then please consider leaving us a rating on our Apple Podcasts page and on our Spotify page.

Ratings help us to promote the show and get it front of more people, so we thank you for any help you can provide!

Thanks for listening and GAME ON!

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