Episode 27 – It’s Happy Hour (and then some)!

This is the third of a whopping five special episodes that encompass our live coverage of the 2015 Louisville Arcade Expo!

This show’s format is what I’d like to think of as “unplugged” as we camped out in a hotel room with the mics and portable recorders and 12+ people joined in on the fun where some beers were consumed, gaming was the topic and the Expo was the backdrop. It was a great time and is something we’d definitely like to do more of.

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Episode 26 – Saturday Night Live from the 2015 Louisville Arcade Expo

This is the second of a whopping five special episodes that encompass our live coverage of the 2015 Louisville Arcade Expo! This show was recorded live on Saturday night, March 7th, 2015 and includes coverage from the expo floor and several sit-in guest interviews from friends of the show (Shawn & Sharon O’Shea, Steve Ridge, Patrick Wall (sons Andrew & Davis) from GameroomJunkies, David Paul (sons Ben & Jason ) from LifeUnderGlass) that were in attendance, as well as Whitney’s daughter Grace and Michael Ridge!

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Episode 25 – Hear the Fool, Be the Fool, LOVE the Fool!

April 1st is a day of jokes, gags and fun so Brent and I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to poke some fun at ourselves and compile a collection of outtakes from previous episodes, as well as some bloopers from some of our past live shows!

It takes a lot of mistakes to make up a show episode (trust us, we generate tons of them every month) but we picked some of the best for everyone to enjoy and thought it neat to put out a mini-show between regular episodes.

We trust you’ll get a few laughs at our expense (as it should be) and enjoy the show. We’re holding a few more back (hey, we wanna put together a 2x show for next year!) so rest assured there’s more then enough tomfoolery (#20dollarword) to go around!

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